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Student Information

Partnering with local businesses to provide students with practical knowledge and experience.

The founders of Mulberry Institute have extensive ties with industry and businesses, and these relationships will help to ensure that students have opportunities to gain practical knowledge and experience in their areas of study. By doing this, we are able to link students with the right opportunity based on their interests and individual priorities.

Furthermore, we align our training to meet the needs of businesses. As a result, a Mulberry Institute graduate will be at the forefront of employment opportunities, and will be part of the next generation of innovators.

It is a requirement of most Mulberry Institute courses to gain work experience. The number of hours required depends on the course being undertaken. 

How does an Industry Placement (IP) work?

This practical component enables students to attend traditional classes, but also complete a work placement in a real business. 

Our Industry Liaison Manager assists in the procuring of a suitable placement free of charge in the first year at college.

Students typically work in a suitable business.

Students will most likely be offered an entry level position in their first year.

Students are also able to organise their own casual or permanent part-time employment to complete their industry placement hours. 

All independent student placements need to have prior approval by the college.