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Class Discussion Strategies
When I worked with student teachers on developing effective lesson plans, one thing I always asked them to revise was the phrase “We will discuss.” We will discuss the video. We will discuss the story. We will discuss our results. Every time I saw it in a lesson plan, I would add a note: “What […]

Getting the most from classes
Getting the Most from LecturesMuch of the information you need to know in college classes is given in lectures. One of the main differences between learning from texts and learning from lectures is that in lectures, the professor controls the pace. You usually do not have the ability to pause the professor, go back, or […]

Study what you are passionate about
“Follow your dreams”, “do what you love”. We’ve heard this all before. But this begs the question, should you study your passion? Even though it might seem obvious, there are a few things to consider before you settle on a course. Things to Consider Before Choosing to Study Your PassionStudying what you love is a […]

Maintaining your health during exams
Vero eo The end of semester leaves one thing on students’ minds — exams. It’s easy to let bad habits rule during this stressful time, but making the effort to maintain a healthy lifestyle will help you keep your stress levels to a minimum and achieve your best results come exam day. Cut back on […]